The journey began in February 2021 when I started optimizing the easyEventhireUK website. easyEventhireUK (in short EEH), is an e-commerce website custom developed using React JS framework. We all know in the SEO community, that e-commerce developed using any JS framework, is a challenge and probably we will wait for a few more years until Google can easily render and index all the content added to JS websites.

The first step we considered during this journey was creating unique content for all product categories (not an easy task when working with an e-commerce website) and creating a blog section where to create unique and helpful content related to the business products and categories. We integrate (as directory) a WP CMS platform that is SEO-friendly and managed by the SEO team. As the authority of the website was very low, we benefitted from the well-known branded name “easy” as part of the “easy” family of brands. The content strategy played an important role since the beginning of the easyEventhireUK success story. We realized that the website, as has been developed using React JS will be difficult to crawl and index, and even more with almost zero authority we have started. So, publishing new, original, and helpful content every week was a top priority in these conditions.

easyEventhireUK – Technical SEO

I should say, challenging, but not impossible to be implemented. We have benefitted from a skilled small team of developers, who understood the need to implement technical SEO features to have a healthy website from an SEO standpoint. The first big issue we had to fix was regarding the 404 error page. Due to the technical setup at the beginning, a proper 404 (not found) error page was not set, instead whenever a not found page was generated, a redirect was implemented and pointed from that 404 url to a custom 404-created page. As the ecommerce website has been developed using React JS framework a content area was required to generate content easily and frequently. We have added a WordPress CMS into a “/blog/” directory.

easyEventhireUK – Keyword ranking strategy

table and chair hire

You have below a screenshot of showing the #2 organic search ranking.

table and chair hire_UK_#2_Dec_2023

This keyword is in the top 3 most important keywords in the entire event hire industry in the UK. Is a commercial intent keyword with an average search volume of 1,900 searches.
Has a SEMRush keyword difficulty score of 31, which is considered “possible”. The CPC value is £0.57 ($0.72). easyEventhireUK ranking for this keyword was back in March 2021, Not in the top 100 in December 2023 the rank is #2 as SEMRush indicates.

EEH_SEMRush_table and chair hire_december_2023

table hire

Along with the above keyword, table hire is the top 3 most important keywords in the “event hire” industry. Top competitors like: with more than 12 years in the industry ranking as #1. with 19 years in the industry ranking as #3. Just to mention that is a domain registered 4 years ago. The current ranking of easyEventhireUK in December 2023 is #7 as the below screenshot shows.

EEH_SEMRush_table hire_december_2023

The 3rd top industry keyword is:

chair hire

With a search volume of 1,900 monthly searches and a CPC value of £0.59 ($0.74), chair hire is a commercial intent keyword that top competitors are battling for top rankings in

For this keyword easyEventhireUK ranks on #5 at this report time (9th December, 2023).

EEH_SEMRush_chair hire #5_december_2023

Ranking #3 is, a domain with 15 years of business, and #4 is a top competitor having 19 years since was registered.

In the event hire industry after furniture type of keywords, “catering” related keywords are next as important. We have added to the keyword strategy the most important one listed below.

catering equipment hire

Is also a very important keyword we optimized for the easyEventhireUK website.

With a search volume of 880 monthly searches and a CPC value of £1.03 ($1.29) is a more competitive in terms of “basket value” than the above and we improved the ranking up to #4 across the UK at the time of this article (December 2023).

EEH_SEMRush_catering equipment hire #4_december_2023

Ranking #1 at the time of this article is As mentioned above an old website in the event hire industry.

Coming on #3 is: a dedicated website to catering equipment having 11 years since it was registered.

The last keyword I would like to mention in this article is:

wedding chair hire

EEH_SEMRush_wedding chair hire #3_december_2023

The current ranking for wedding chair hire is #3 across the UK.

This is a highly competitive keyword in the “event hire” industry. With 720 monthly searches and a CPC value of £0.50 ($0.63), SEMRush is showing this commercial intent keyword as having a 0.95 competitive density out of 1.0.

Even though the “Keyword Difficulty” score of 18% indicated by SEMRush is not considered a very difficult keyword to improve the rankings, I would say that this metric is not very well calculated by SEMRush since they are not considered in the calculation, metrics like CPC value or CPC competitive density for the given keyword, but instead they consider:

“Keyword difficulty calculation is based on a variety of factors such as the median number of referring domains pointing to the URLs that are ranking, the median ratio of do follow/nofollow links pointing to these, the median authority score of the domains that are ranking, and the SERP-related qualities of the keyword itself.”

I consider that the keyword difficulty is a much more complex metric and the value of the keyword and competitive density are signals that we as SEO should consider when it comes to determining difficulty in improving the rankings for the keywords we include in strategy for our clients.

Successful Content Strategy for easyEventhireUK

As for the keyword strategy also for content strategy, it was very important to understand the audience and potential customer’s intent.

Primary Audience: Event organizers, wedding planners, and individuals organizing personal or corporate events.

Search Intent: Primarily informational and transactional. Users are looking for reliable, affordable, and quality event equipment hire services.

Our keyword research and analysis identified a huge potential for long-tail keywords.

For all the keywords we included in the content strategy, we analyzed search volumes, competitive density, and relevance to easyEventHireUK’s services.

We have been focused on high-conversion potential keywords and localized keywords (e.g., “chair hire in London”).

It was important to publish content in a regular and scheduled manner so creating a content calendar was an important task.

Publishing blog posts to maintain the freshness and relevance of the website audience is extremely important and also helps with user engagement.

The content strategy included the creation of engaging elements like real event images, client testimonials, and expert tips.

Through this comprehensive content strategy approach, we aimed to establish easyEventhireUK as a thought leader in the event equipment hire UK industry while boosting its visibility and engagement in key service areas.

The success of the content strategy, combined with a robust SEO strategy, was instrumental in highlighting the brand’s value proposition and expertise, driving both traffic and conversions.

On-page Optimization

Internal linking strategy pointing internal links from blog articles to relevant product and service pages is an important part of engaging new but also current visitors and distributing page authority.

Relevant title tags and meta descriptions create keyword-rich titles and persuasive but relevant meta descriptions for better click-through rates (CTRs).

Optimizing the url structure to ensure clean and keyword-focused URLs was a task we accomplished with the help of the easyEventhireUK development team and with our internal resources we ensured that we automated the optimization process for the WordPress blog section using different WP plugins that helped us over time on these tasks.

Organic Traffic Growth

easyeventhireuk_organic traffic analytics_2021 to june 2023_old GA

In the dynamic UK industry of event and equipment hire, easyEventhireUK has witnessed a remarkable surge in organic traffic.

Over time growth is a testament to our effective SEO strategies and SEO efforts.

Let me delve into the numbers that speak volumes of our success.

A Steady Month-Over-Month Increase

November 2023 vs. August 2023:

EEH_GA4_november vs august 2023

In November 2023, we noticed a substantial increase of +30.34% in organic traffic compared to August 2023.

This jump is not just a number, it represents the growing trust and preference of search traffic in turning to easyEventhireUK for their event needs. The meticulous optimization of our key service pages and the strategic use of targeted keywords have played a pivotal role in attracting more organic visitors.

Building Momentum – November 2023 vs. September 2023

Continuing the upward trajectory, November 2023 saw an impressive +24.99% increase in organic search traffic compared to September 2023.

This consistent growth is an indicator of the strengthening online presence of easyEventhireUK and the effectiveness of freshly curated content, resonating well with a targeted audience.

EEH_GA4_november vs september 2023

Sustaining the Growth – November 2023 vs. October 2023

The positive trend persisted with a +12.98% increase in organic traffic in November 2023 as compared to October 2023.

EEH_GA4_november vs october 2023

This steady growth reflects our commitment to maintaining high-quality, SEO-optimized content that continues to appeal to the easyEventhireUK audience.

Dominating as the primary source of traffic and revenue for the easyEventhireUK.

A remarkable 64.6% of easyEventhireUK total traffic comes from organic search.

This dominant share underscores the success of the comprehensive SEO strategy, which includes a blend of technical SEO, on-page optimization, and engaging, keyword-rich content tailored to the audience’s interests.

Key Contributors to easyEventhireUK SEO Success

Content Strategy:

Our focused approach to content creation, especially content calendar and relevant blog topics, has significantly boosted easyEventhireUK visibility in search engine results, aligning perfectly with user search intent.

By doing research for topics that not only inform but also engage, we’ve been able to captivate a wider audience and establish easyEventhireUK as a go-to resource in the event hire industry.

Keyword Optimization:

Targeting both high-volume and long-tail keywords relevant to the “event hire” niche, like “wedding chair hire” and “catering equipment hire,” has allowed us to capture a broader audience base.

This meticulous keyword strategy, balancing both competition and search volume, has been fundamental in driving organic growth and reaching users at various stages of the search journey.

Technical SEO Performance in a React JS Environment:

Overcoming the challenges posed by a React JS-based website, we’ve achieved notable technical SEO performance.

React JS, known for its complexities in SEO, particularly in terms of rendering and indexing, required us to find technical solutions to improve the indexability and crawlability of easyEventhireUK.

By ensuring that the website is fully crawlable and indexable, despite the JavaScript-heavy framework, we’ve enhanced the site’s internal linking. This included updating sitemap.xml and adding it to the Google search console.

This focus on technical SEO has been pivotal in bolstering our overall SEO strategy, ensuring that the advanced capabilities of React JS work in tandem with our goals for organic search visibility.

What We Achieved (Conclusion)

As we conclude our SEO report, “easyEventhireUK – A Success SEO Story,” it’s vital to reflect on the remarkable journey we’ve embarked upon and the significant milestones we’ve achieved. Our story isn’t just about numbers and percentages; it’s a testament to strategic SEO planning, relentless dedication, and a deep understanding of the SEO landscape’s intricacies.

Strategic SEO Content and Keyword Mastery

Our journey began with a technical SEO and content-focused strategy. By weaving engaging success stories and informative blogs, we’ve captured our audience’s attention and established a strong online presence.

EEH_SEMRush_Organic traffic growth_december 2023

The deliberate use of both high-volume short-tail keywords, like “furniture hire”, “table hire”, chair hire” and long-tail keywords, like “wedding chair hire” and “catering equipment hire,” allowed us to tap into diverse customer segments, expanding easyEventhireUK reach and solidifying brand authority in the “event hire” industry.


About the Author:

With over 14 years of seasoned expertise in SEO, Eugen Platon SEO Expert stands at the forefront of the evolving digital marketing landscape. His approach to SEO (search engine optimization) is both comprehensive and bespoke, ensuring that each SEO project he undertakes is finely tuned to its unique requirements and goals. He excels in elevating website visibility, bolstering user engagement, and navigating the ever-changing currents of SEO. Under his guidance, your online presence is transformed into a dynamic digital force, adeptly meeting and surpassing set objectives. Eugen combines time-tested SEO strategies with cutting-edge AI powered SEO techniques, dedicating himself to transforming your digital footprint into a magnet for both search engines and your target audience. Embark on a journey with him to unlock the full SEO potential of your online presence.

Eugen Platon

Eugen Platon

Director of SEO & Web Analytics at onwardSEO
Eugen Platon is a highly experienced SEO expert with over 14 years of experience propelling organizations to the summit of digital popularity. Eugen, who holds a Master's Certification in SEO and is well-known as a digital marketing expert, has a track record of using analytical skills to maximize return on investment through smart SEO operations. His passion is not simply increasing visibility, but also creating meaningful interaction, leads, and conversions via organic search channels. Eugen's knowledge goes far beyond traditional limits, embracing a wide range of businesses where competition is severe and the stakes are great. He has shown remarkable talent in achieving top keyword ranks in the highly competitive industries of gambling, car insurance, and events, demonstrating his ability to traverse the complexities of SEO in markets where every click matters. In addition to his success in these areas, Eugen improved rankings and dominated organic search in competitive niches like "event hire" and "tool hire" industries in the UK market, confirming his status as an SEO expert. His strategic approach and innovative strategies have been successful in these many domains, demonstrating his versatility and adaptability. Eugen's path through the digital marketing landscape has been distinguished by an unwavering pursuit of excellence in some of the most competitive businesses, such as antivirus and internet protection, dating, travel, R&D credits, and stock images. His SEO expertise goes beyond merely obtaining top keyword rankings; it also includes building long-term growth and optimizing visibility in markets where being noticed is key. Eugen's extensive SEO knowledge and experience make him an ideal asset to any project, whether navigating the complexity of the event hiring sector, revolutionizing tool hire business methods, or managing campaigns in online gambling and car insurance. With Eugen in charge of your SEO strategy, expect to see dramatic growth and unprecedented digital success.
Eugen Platon
Check my Online CV page here: Eugen Platon SEO Expert - Online CV.