Businesses basically grow in two major ways:
By adding more customers
By selling more products/services to existing customers
Looking at these major ways we can define a short checklist that will help scaling your business:
- What complementary products/services can you sell to your existing customers?
- What NEW products/services do you have the ability to make that your customers need?
- Can you reduce the features of my current product/service and offer a cheaper version to a different customer segment? (Yes. Can you do less? Can you go down-market? Same high quality but not offering all features of your product)
- What can you do to increase the frequency of purchases? Do you have a loyalty program in place? Do you offering special discounts to your current customers for specific products you have on a high profit margin?
- Can you add a new Acquisition channel to reach new customers?
- Can you bundle services to products or bundle more services together?
- Can you add pricing, financing and/or guarantees that will increase your current customer’s lifetime value and decrease churn, but also that will produce more customers?
Inspired by Edward D. Hess, Professor of Business Administration
The article has been published also on Eugen Platon’s LinkedIn profile and can be found at “2 Major Ways & Must Have Checklist to Grow Your Business”.